Fashion Consultant AI Agent
Pain Point
I often check multiple shopping websites before buying a product. However, the process of comparing products across multiple shopping websites can be tedious and time-consuming. I have to manually search for the same product on different websites, compare prices, check availability, and read reviews. This repetitive task not only consumes a lot of time but also increases the chances of missing out on the best deals.
To address this pain point, I developed the browser-use-shopping-agent. This tool allows users to send the same query to multiple shopping websites and display the results in a single interface. The agent leverages the power of AI models and browser automation to streamline the shopping experience.
pip install browser_use streamlit dotenv
pip install openai
playwright install # installs browsers
Clone this repo:
And then run the following commands
streamlit run
# OR
streamlit run --server.address
Next Steps
Currently this process is a bit time-consuming so there is definitely some scope to evolve this.
Finally, kudos the the Browser-Use (link) team for releasing such a cool repo!